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14 Things First-Time Homebuyers Must Inspect

For most Americans, purchasing a new home is a life-changing, once-in-a-lifetime decision from both a personal and a financial aspect. As such, it must be approached with utmost care and deliberation to ensure your desired property is free of serious defects and other problems that can result in expensive complications down the road.  

Even if you’re a lifelong do-it-yourselfer who has first-hand experience with all sorts of household issues, a buyer’s home inspection in San Diego, CA, can still identify severe structural problems and other issues you’d otherwise miss.

In order to help you make the process of purchasing or selling a home as straightforward as possible, we’ve prepared a list of the 14 things first-time homebuyers should examine when inspecting a home. Keep reading to learn more.

What should a home inspection focus on?

When examining a residential property, your goal should be to detect any issues that can lead to costly repairs or even pose a health hazard to the occupants. Depending on the severity of the problems, buyers should either request repairs from the seller, have the seller adjust the price of the home accordingly, or consider not proceeding with the deal.

Here are the top 14 things homebuyers should look at:

  • Exterior surfaces. Are there visible damages or decay on the masonry, siding, stucco, and stains? Are there vines that need to be removed?
  • Roofing. Are there any leaks? Are the tiles or shingles, gutters, chimney, flashing, and skylights in good condition? Is there mildew or excessive debris?
  • Attic. Are there any signs of roof leaks (eg., stains under the roofing)? What’s the state of the ventilation and insulation? Is there any visible damage or decay?
  • Crawlspace. Check for mildew or mold, pest damage, and ventilation or insulation issues.
  • Garage. What’s the state of the ceiling, walls, lights, door, garage door opener, windows, roof, and slab?
  • Foundation. Are there any cracked walls, sloping floors, or doors and windows that won’t close correctly? What’s the condition of the insulation, anchoring, and underfloor ventilation?
  • Heating and Air Conditioning (HVAC). Are there any signs of leaks, corrosion, dirt, and excessive energy usage? How well have the vents been maintained? How old is the furnace?
  • Fireplace. What’s the state of its spark arrestor, damper, firebox, flue, and masonry? Is there excessive buildup inside the chimney?
  • Basement. Is there moisture? What’s the state of the insulation and the foundation?
  • Electrical. Are electrical panels, switches, outlets, receptacles, service equipment, circuit wiring, light fixtures, and exhaust and ceiling fans properly installed and in good condition? 
  • Plumbing. Faucets, fixtures, water pump, water heater, water supply piping, and drain piping all need to be examined. Are there any leaks under the sink, dishwasher, or toilets? 
  • Grounds. Make sure to check the condition of the patio or deck, sidewalks, driveway, stair railings, standing water, drainage or grading, and exterior structures.
  • Interior spaces. Make sure to inspect cabinets, appliances, doors and windows, stairs, floors, as well as any water stains and wall or ceiling cracks.
  • Miscellaneous. Are there signs of a mold or mildew infestation? Is asbestos, lead, or radon present? 

Where can I schedule a reliable buyer’s home inspection in San Diego, CA?

What should first time homebuyers focus onIf thoroughly inspecting all of the above sounds extremely complicated, that’s because it is. The reality is that most people simply don’t have the requisite knowledge to perform a professional-grade home inspection. 

Luckily, Inspectors Company specializes in providing the good people of San Diego with top-of-the-line home inspection services. Whether you’re looking to buy an apartment in Rolando, or you’re planning to prepare your property for the real estate market, our experts will be happy to provide you with the crucial information you need.

Call us today. 

What Is a Re-Inspection and When Is It Needed?

A buyer’s home inspection in San Diego is one of the final hurdles property sellers and buyers have to get through before the deal can be finalized. It’s also one of the most important steps in the whole process because it enables the buyer to identify any problems with the property and request the seller to adjust their asking price or perform the necessary repairs. 

Unless you have a background in construction (or a related field), hiring a home inspector is a must in order to avoid making a major financial decision you may regret at a later date. Not only do home inspectors know exactly what to look for when examining a home, they’re also able to detect and warn you about any red flags related to that particular property.

Which brings us to the topic of this article: in cases where the seller agrees to repair the property, how are these repairs verified? Should your home inspector perform a re-inspection to make sure all the repairs have been done correctly? Read on to learn more. 

Who verifies repairs after the home inspection?

The best way to verify that the repairs have been done correctly is by having the original inspector re-inspect the property. Doing so is especially important in cases where extensive repairs were requested, or the repairs were performed on crucial structural components such as a house’s foundation or electric. 

Important things to consider include:

Repair requests should be precise and straightforward

Specifying improper repairs or asking for the wrong items to be fixed is a common mistake buyers make at this step of the process. Luckily, a quality home inspection report should make all the problems and ways to fix them clear and easily understandable.

Focus on a few crucial repairs and don’t sweat the small stuff

Even a brand new home will have some small problems (eg., old and squeaky door hinges). Buyers should keep in mind that these insignificant issues matter very little in the context of 10, 20, or 30+ years of home ownership, and that demanding the seller to fix every little thing is just going to complicate things.

Instead, the buyer should focus on a handful of important problems that can have a meaningful impact on their future finances. 

Consider asking for building permits

By asking for building permits when requesting repairs, the buyer not only compels the seller to “play by the rules”, but also makes sure that the home was inspected by a licensed authority. The drawback of this approach is that it can take longer to complete. 

Avoid asking the seller to make repairs

When the seller takes care of the repairs, there’s always the risk that the final result won’t be in line with what the buyer considers to be acceptable. This can lead to further disagreements and repair requests, which can easily bog down the deal and cause it to fall through. 

Instead, it’s much better to request the seller to fund repairs, or have the price of the property changed to account for the necessary repairs. This way, the buyer will have full control over how the repairs are conducted. 

Where can I book a top-notch buyer’s home inspection in San Diego?

Do I need a reinspection after repairsNo matter how perfect it might look at a glance, that property in Palm City you’re thinking of buying or selling may be hiding all kinds of costly or even dangerous problems. Knowing about these issues in advance will enable you to make an informed financial decision and avoid costly complications later on. 

Here at Inspectors Company, we’d like to help you do just that by providing you with the very finest home inspection services in San Diego.

Contact us today and benefit from our InterNACHI-certified inspectors and cutting-edge equipment. 

Mold Inspections 101: What Is Mold Assessment and Why Do You Need It?

Mold is a species of fungus that lives in dark, moist places and spreads by continuously releasing microscoping spores into the air. It plays an important role in the environment and can be found in all parts of the world where there is organic matter for it to break down. 

Unfortunately, “all parts of the world” means this fungus can also infest our homes and, if we’re unlucky, spread to the point where it endangers our health, causes long-term damage to our property, and requires extensive (and costly) mold cleanup and remediation.  

With the above in mind, it’s no surprise that homeowners and home buyers will often schedule a professional mold inspection in San Diego to make sure there’s no mold in their property or in the property they’re thinking of buying. Keep reading to learn more. 

Is a mold inspection worth it?

The terms mold inspection, mold evaluation, mold assessment, mold testing, and so on, all basically mean the same thing: a trained technician gathers mold samples and runs a variety of scientific tests in order to provide their client with crucial and objective information. 

Mold inspections are important because:

  • They help home buyers “dodge the bullet”.

The more extensive a mold infestation is, the greater the damage to the property will be and the more expensive it will be to remediate it. What’s more, mold infestations don’t exist in a vacuum: they’re usually caused by other problems with the property itself. 

As a home buyer, the last thing you want is to invest in a house or apartment that has a mold problem. Finding out about it as soon as possible will save you a lot of money and frustration down the road. 

  • They create parameters for mold removal.

Depending on the extent of the infestation, mold removal can take a lot of time and include destructive cleanup approaches. For this reason, thorough testing is needed to help define the boundaries of the infestation before the remediators can get to work.

  • It identifies the type of mold.

Not all species of mold endanger the occupants’ health in the same way. Knowing which type of mold you’re dealing with can be vital in determining whether your medical symptoms are caused by mold or something else. 

  • It provides legal evidence.

Depending on the specifics of your legal case, you may be required to provide scientific proof that the mold infestation is in fact present. The good news is, a mold inspector’s findings are fully admissible in court as objective evidence. 

What happens during a mold inspection?

During a mold assessment, a technician takes mold samples from the air and one or more surfaces. These samples are then taken to a mold laboratory and tested to determine which type of mold it is and whether it’s able to grow in that particular area. 

The most commonly used air testing method takes a “spore trap sample” with a special spore trap sampling device. Surface samples are more varied, with the 3 most common methods being bulk samples, swab samples, and tape samples.  

Where can I book an in-depth mold inspection in San Diego?

Is a mold inspection worth itEven the most seemingly perfect home in Mission Beach can hide nasty surprises such as extensive mold infestations, structural damage, and other problems that can be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming to fix. 

As a property buyer or owner, you want to know about these things long before you sign any legally-binding documents. Here at Inspectors Company, we can help you with that. As a fully certified and highly experienced provider of San Diego home inspection services, we’re uniquely equipped to thoroughly test any house or apartment. Call us today. 

The Ins and Outs of Mold Cleanup and Remediation

Your San Diego mold inspector has gathered fungal samples from your home, had them tested in a mold laboratory, and concluded that you have a mold infestation on your hands. To say that this is bad news would be a considerable understatement. 

A mold infestation can damage your belongings, reduce the value of your property, and worst of all, damage your health by exacerbating existing respiratory conditions or causing you to become ill even if you were perfectly healthy before. Clearly, you should have mold removed from your property as soon as possible. 

But what’s the best way to do this? Do you have to hire professional mold remediators, or can you perform mold cleanup yourself? How do you prevent mold from appearing again in the future? Read on to learn the answers to these questions. 

Can you clean up mold by yourself?

It depends. If you have a background in mold removal and access to the necessary equipment, you should be able to take care of your mold problem yourself. However, if you’re a total layperson when it comes to mold cleanup, you may only be able to deal with a mold infestation if it’s not too extensive. 

For example, here’s how to take care of moldy carpets or rugs:

  • Step #1: Liberally sprinkle baking soda over the moldy area and leave it overnight.
  • Step #2: Thoroughly vacuum the carpet.
  • Step #3: Grab a stiff bristle brush and scrub the moldy area with vinegar.
  • Step #4: Vacuum again with a HEPA vacuum cleaner. Throw away the filter afterwards.
  • Step #5: Take the carpet outside and leave it in the sun to dry completely.

How do professionals remove mold?

If your mold infestation is the result of serious water damage (for instance, after a flood) or underlying problems such as leaky roofs or damaged pipes, it’s almost always better to have it taken care of by the experts. 

Professional mold removal usually follows these steps:

  1. Address the water issue. To prevent mold from reappearing in the same area, you must first deal with the source of the moisture (eg., water damage).
  2. Cordon off the contaminated area. The moldy area needs to be sealed off from the rest of the house to prevent cross-contamination. 
  3. Minimize dust. This is typically done by thoroughly misting the contaminated area.
  4. Gather materials that are wet or mold-damaged, place them in thick plastic bags, tie the bags closed, and throw them in the trash.
  5. Cleanup. All wood surfaces and non-porous materials that are moldy should be carefully scrubbed with a wire brush and then wiped down using disposable wipes. Finally, all moldy surfaces should be scrubbed with a detergent solution. 
  6. Visually examine the cleaned areas to make sure there are no signs of debris or contamination. 
  7. Deal with leftover moisture by drying the area completely. You can speed up the drying process by using dehumidifiers, fans, or increasing the indoor air temperature.
  8. Get replacements for any materials that had to be disposed of. 

Where can I find a fully certified San Diego mold inspector?

How do pros remediate moldMold is a serious issue that can affect a home regardless of whether it’s located right next to Petco Park or out in the countryside. That’s why, if you’re thinking of purchasing a new property or you suspect your home has a mold problem, you should immediately have it tested by a licensed inspector.

At Inspectors Company, we specialize in providing the good people of San Diego with the full range of home inspection services, including mold, sewer line, pool & spa, and septic tank inspections. Reach out to us today. 

What Is a Mold Infestation and How Do You Deal With It?

Like most fungi, molds break down organic material in the environment. They can appear in virtually all areas that contain moisture and animal or plant matter, and have a nasty tendency to infest our homes, damage our belongings, and even make us sick. 

Since mold remediation can cost a pretty penny, property buyers and sellers are highly advised to have houses and apartments tested for mold by a registered mold inspector in San Diego before proceeding with the buying deal or having the place listed on the real estate market. 

Keep reading to learn more about what causes mold infestations and what you can do about them.

What causes molds in the house?

Mold spores are everywhere. Since they can’t thrive in dry and sunny areas, these spores prefer places that are dark, moist, and humid. In most homes, a few mold spots can be found in bathrooms, basement, and kitchen. Apart from looking ugly, these minor mold colonies shouldn’t be harmful to people’s health. 

However, in homes that don’t get enough fresh air, aren’t cleaned properly or regularly, or are located in damp or humid regions, mold can quickly multiply and spread to other parts of the house. If not addressed, these mold infestations can damage both your health and your property. 

Mold infestations can also occur as a result of accidents. Spilling a drink on the carpet or a rug and letting the fabric stay wet for an extended period of time runs the risk of the carpet or rug becoming moldy. Furthermore, any major source of moisture can also cause a mold infestation. 

Common sources of moisture include:

  • Damp crawl spaces and basements
  • Leaky roofs
  • Humidifiers
  • Improper or malfunctioning ventilation of cooking and heating appliances
  • Outdoor drainage issues
  • Condensation on cold surfaces
  • Leaking plumbing
  • Wet clothes inside the house (indoor drying)
  • Water steam from the kitchen or bathroom
  • Letting a clothes dryer vent indoors

What do you do if you have mold in your house?

Want to hear something scary? Advanced mold damage can cost as much as $10,000 to fix! As if that wasn’t bad enough, most insurance carriers refuse to cover the cost of mold removal. At the same time, you don’t really have a choice since mold can seriously endanger your health

Here’s how to deal with a mold infestation:

  • Call in an expert. Unfortunately, if there are already large areas of mold in your house, you’ll likely have to outsource the removal to a specialist.
  • Attempt to clean it yourself. If the infestation isn’t extensive, you may be able to stop it from spreading by thoroughly cleaning the surfaces using a diluted bleach solution or an appropriate cleaning product. Try to keep these surfaces as dry as possible in the future. 
  • Wipe or wash porous surfaces and check them frequently to make sure the mold hasn’t returned. If mold keeps coming back, it’s best to replace these items. 
  • Use antifungal paints and similar products that can prevent or at least make it more difficult for mold to appear in the first place. 

Where can I hire a dependable mold inspector in San Diego?

What do you do if you have mold in your houseAre you thinking of purchasing a lovely home in Marston Hills, but you’re concerned it may be suffering from a mold infestation? Or maybe you’ve noticed some strange smells in your house lately, and you suspect mold could be the culprit? 

Whatever your situation may be, don’t hesitate to give the Inspectors Company a call. We specialize in providing the good people of San Diego with the full range of home inspection services, including mold, roofing, pool & spa, sewer line, and septic tank inspections. Contact us today. 

3 Ways Your House Mold is Endangering Your Health

Mold is a type of fungi that reproduces through airborne spores and thrives anywhere where there is moisture. Due to its hardiness and ability to grow on nearly any surface, mold can be found in almost all parts of the world.

And yes, you can probably find some mold in your home as well. Chances are, it grows in or around your bathtub, on your washing machine or sponge, or on your basement walls. Although mold isn’t harmful in small amounts, an infestation can severely compromise your indoor air quality and cause you to get sick. 

If you suspect your house or apartment may be suffering from a mold infestation, it’s highly advised that you book a San Diego mold inspection immediately. Failing to clean up the mold properly may cause you and your loved ones to develop mold-related health problems. Read on to learn more. 

Can you get sick from mold in your house?

The more mold there is in your house, the more spores it releases into the air, and the more likely you are to breathe in these spores in large amounts. This can result in all sorts of nasty symptoms, including blurred vision, chronic cough, irritated eyes, sinus and nasal congestion, and more. 

Here are the top 3 ways mold can endanger your health:

1. Your coffee maker could be contaminated

According to recent studies, your coffeemaker may be the 5th dirtiest thing in your home. Apparently, more than 50% of all coffeemakers in American homes have mold, bacteria, or yeast growing inside their reservoir. This can literally make your coffee mildly poisonous.

2. Black mold destroys your indoor air quality

Black mold tends to grow in areas of your house that are especially damp, humid, and warm. It often appears on drywall, wood, insulation, and wet paper. In addition to causing wheezing and coughing in otherwise healthy individuals, it can also cause children to develop asthma later in life.

3. It may be eating through your carpets

With enough moisture, area rugs can become the perfect breeding ground for mold. Carpet mold not only produces an endless supply of allergens, irritans, and possibly even toxins, it can also irreparably damage your floor coverings and even the floor underneath them. 

What are signs of mold in your house?

Luckily for all of us, it’s often possible to detect a mold infestation before it can seriously affect our health and comfort. 

Here are some common signs:

  • Your asthma gets worse for no apparent reason
  • Dark grout between your bathroom tiles (especially in the shower)
  • You have constant sneezing fits and a perpetually runny nose
  • Strange smells coming out of your HVAC system
  • Your seasonal allergies don’t seem to go away
  • There’s a musty smell in some areas of your home
  • Peeling or cracking walls
  • You’re constantly feeling tired
  • Your toilet or one of your sinks recently flooded
  • You’re feeling itchier than usual
  • There are colored or dark spots on your walls and ceilings

Where can I schedule an in-depth San Diego mold inspection?

Can indoor mold make you sickIt doesn’t matter if you live in Shelter Island or at the very heart of San Diego: any home can get moldy. Even if you haven’t encountered any obvious signs of a mold infestation, it’s highly advised that you have any piece of real estate you’re thinking of purchasing or selling inspected for mold just to make sure.

As the premium provider of mold inspection services in San Diego, Inspectors Company boasts the skill, the experience, and the state-of-the-art equipment necessary to render truly first-rate property inspection services. Reach out to us today. 

Real Estate Appraisal: What Do Home Appraisers Look For?

Real estate appraisal is an inevitable part of buying or selling a residential property. Even if the buyer really likes the place and is ready to pay the seller’s asking price, their lender will still want to have a professional appraiser carefully inspect the property in question to determine its value. 

In previous articles, we pointed out the crucial differences between a home appraisal and an inspection provided by a San Diego home inspection company. Now we’ll explain more about how real estate appraisal works and what appraisers are looking for when they examine a property.

Read on to learn more. 

What do appraisers look for in a home inspection?

The purpose of real estate appraisal is to determine the value of a home while the goal of a home inspection is to assess its condition. The appraisal report directly affects the mortgage the lender will be legally allowed to give out. 

When inspecting a property, real estate appraisers look for the following:

External factors:

  • Neighborhood characteristics (eg., rural, suburban, urban, etc.)
  • Driveway characteristics (single-car garage vs two-car garage, etc.)
  • Type of housing (one-unit, two-to-four unit, commercial, multifamily, etc.)
  • Size of the lot
  • Zoning classification
  • Public utilities on the property (if any)

Internal factors:

  • Materials used for windows, floors, and walls
  • Number of bedrooms and bathrooms
  • Square footage of the property
  • Updated vs remodeled baths or kitchens
  • Whether there’s a partial or full attic, basement, or crawl space
  • Type of foundation
  • Obvious signs of pest infestations (eg., termite dirt on windowsills)
  • Presence of smoke detectors and handrails

General condition:

  • Walls
  • Foundation
  • Roof surface
  • Gutters
  • Screens
  • Downspouts
  • Floors
  • Trim
  • Structural integrity

Additions, improvements, and upgrades:

  • Wood stoves or fireplaces
  • Fencing
  • A deck or patio
  • A porch
  • Energy-efficient items
  • Swimming pool
  • New roof
  • New AC system

What appraisers do NOT look for:

A home’s aesthetic isn’t an important factor when it comes to determining its market value. Anything that isn’t nailed down and can be carried away is viewed as personal property and not part of the home. 

For example, a modern microwave doesn’t make the house more valuable. On the other hand, sellers should notify the appraiser of any property that’s being sold together with the house (such as a boat), as that may affect the final value. 

What if a home fails to appraise?

Sometimes, an appraisal comes in lower than the price the seller has offered for the property. This doesn’t happen often, but it does occur sometimes. Knowing what to do when it does will help make your home buying or selling experience a lot less stressful.

Consider doing some of the following:

  • Renegotiate the price to be more in line with the true property value as determined by the real estate appraiser. 
  • Find another lender. Not all appraisers come to the same conclusions. By going to a different bank, you may find an appraiser who may think more favorably about the property you wish to buy.
  • Challenge the appraisal report. Appraisals aren’t set in stone. By providing the appraiser with information that justifies the higher price, you may be able to challenge the original appraisal.
  • Request another appraisal. Wait a couple months and then have the home re-appraised by a different appraiser. 

Where can I find a first-rate San Diego home inspection company?

Where can I find a first-rate San Diego home inspection companyKnowing the real market value of a property is crucial regardless of whether it’s an apartment in Gaslamp Quarter or a house in the suburbs. What’s even more important is identifying any severe problems the property may have before you buy or sell it.

That’s where Inspectors Company comes in. As the premier home inspection company in San Diego, we are superbly equipped to provide you with top-of-the-line home inspection services. Call us today.

Top 8 Factors That Affect Your Home Appraisal Value

The job of a home inspector who works for a San Diego house inspection company is to assess the condition of a house or apartment with the goal of informing their client (buyer or seller) about any defects the property might have.

On the other hand, a real estate appraisal is requested by the lender in order to determine the real market value of the home in question. This will not only ensure the property isn’t priced too steeply, but also affect the final sum the lender is able to offer to the buyer.

Whether you’re a seller looking to boost the market value of your property, or a buyer trying to figure out whether your property of choice can pass the appraisal, knowing what real estate appraisers focus on is critical in order to be able to plan ahead. Read on. 

What increases the value of your home appraisal?

Like home inspection, real estate appraisal can play a crucial role in the home buying or selling process. However, unlike home inspection, appraisal isn’t optional. This is because lenders use appraisals to determine the mortgage they can give the home buyer.

Here are the 8 most important factors that influence a home appraisal:

1. Location

The neighborhood the house is located in and its physical position inside that neighborhood will have a considerable effect on its value. 

A great neighborhood has the following traits:

  • High-quality schools
  • Low crime rates
  • Is walkable
  • Is close to a hospital, police station, and/or fire station
  • Has well-maintained streetlamps, roads, etc.
  • It’s not located next to a busy thoroughfare
  • Nearby houses are owner-occupied rather than foreclosed, for-sale, or rented

2. Construction materials used

Newer homes that were built using modern materials, or updated to use them, are valued higher than their older counterparts. 

High-value updates include:

  • New roofing
  • Added insulation
  • New siding
  • High-quality door
  • High-quality windows
  • Updated electrical
  • Removal of hazardous materials such as asbestos

3. Age

Newer homes generally have fewer problems than older properties and therefore tend to get a high appraisal. However, older homes that have been maintained well or are located in historic districts such as Old Town San Diego can also command a high value.

4. Curb appeal

The better the landscaping and the general curb appeal of a house, the better its appraisal value will be. A well-maintained yard with plants that are easy to care for is a huge bonus.

5. Bedrooms and bathrooms

Single-bedroom properties tend to sell for a lot less than ones with multiple bedrooms. Same goes for the bathrooms: having 2-3 full bathrooms will get you a higher appraisal than if you only have one. 

6. Square footage

A large square footage doesn’t automatically mean the home will get a high appraisal. What matters is how much of this space is livable and usable. 

7. Size of the garage

Having a garage, especially if it’s a large one, can greatly contribute to the real estate appraisal value. Same goes for easy-to-access parking spots located near the house or in the backyard.

8. Trends on the real estate market

If there are currently a lot of properties on the market, and not enough buyers, the appraisal will probably be lower. If it’s the opposite, the house will likely be appraised higher. 

Where can I find a reliable San Diego house inspection company?

Where can I find a reliable San Diego house inspection companySelling or purchasing a piece of residential real estate is a major decision. Learning everything there is to learn about this property is vital if you want to avoid additional expenses and even hazards down the road. 

At Inspectors Company, our home inspection technicians have access to cutting-edge training and state-of-the-art inspection software that allows them to quickly identify any problems that a home might have. Give us a call today.

Everything You Need to Know About Home Appraisals and Inspections

Home inspections are thorough examinations of residential properties. The job of a house inspection company in San Diego is to provide their client with an extensive home inspection report that lists any issues the property may have. They are typically hired directly by the seller or buyer.

Home appraisals serve a different purpose. Real estate appraisers are usually hired by the lender for the purpose of determining the true market value of a property. Since the lender can’t lend out more money than how much a home is worth, home appraisals are instrumental in the home purchasing and selling process. 

Although hiring a home inspector is optional, property sellers and buyers are highly advised to do so. This is because the findings provided by home appraisers and inspectors complement each other and as such play a pivotal role in the whole process. Read on to learn why.

Does home inspection affect appraisal?

It depends. The reason why you want to have a property inspected long before any appraiser sees it is because you need to determine whether you even want to purchase the property (if you’re a buyer) or whether it needs some repairs before it can be sold (if you’re a seller).

Let’s say you’re thinking of buying a home near Balboa Park. While it might look great to you, the reality is that this particular home may have some underlying issues such as faulty plumbing or HVAC systems that may cost a lot (or even be impossible) to fix.

You want to find out about these issues as early as possible, and the only way to do so is by having a home inspection technician examine the place. This way, you can avoid filing for loans and paying for appraisals before you’re absolutely sure that the house in question is worth buying.

Does an appraiser look at the inspection report?

Home appraisers are trained to perform their appraisals and produce their final appraisal reports without the help of 3rd parties such as home inspectors. That being said, if you’ve had the property inspected prior to the appraisal, be sure to mention it to your appraiser. 

While an appraiser will never ask for a home inspection report, they may be interested in taking a look at it if you have one. This is especially the case if your home inspector has found problems with the property that are severe enough to impact its market value. 

How much does a home appraisal cost?

Unfortunately, a one-size-fits-all answer to this question doesn’t exist. Numerous factors can affect the price of a home appraisal. 

These factors include:

  • The size of the home. Bigger homes take more time to examine and therefore cost more. 
  • The level of detail involved in the appraisal. The more complex an appraisal is, the more expensive it’s going to be.
  • Location. Homes located in large cities or places with high labor costs are generally priced higher. 
  • Lack of comparable properties in the area makes an appraiser’s job much more difficult. As a result, the price is adjusted accordingly.
  • Home has unique characteristics that make it extremely difficult to find similar properties that were sold recently in the same general area. 
  • Extensive damages and repairs can further complicate the appraisal process. 

Where can I hire a first-rate house inspection company in San Diego?Does an appraiser look at the inspection report

It’s impossible to overstate the importance of thoroughly examining a residential property you’re thinking of selling or purchasing. Here at Inspectors Company, we would like to help you make a sound decision by providing you with a full report on any problems this property may have.

Reach out to us today and take full advantage of our InterNACHI-certified inspectors and our state-of-the-art home inspection equipment and software.

How Are Home Inspections and Appraisals Different?

When you make an investment, you naturally want to minimize risks and maximize rewards. Since buying a home is one of the most significant investments you’ll make in your life, properly examining the property beforehand to make sure it’s worth the asking price should be a priority. 

This is where home inspections and appraisals come in. These are two different types of home appraisals that are both designed to benefit you regardless of whether you’re selling or buying a house or an apartment. 

In this article, we will explain what a home appraisal is, when it takes place in the buying process, and how it’s different from an inspection performed by a registered home inspection company in San Diego. Read on to learn more. 

How are home appraisals and inspections different?

A home inspection is a visual examination of a residential property that aims to assess its condition. By presenting you with an exhaustive list that includes everything from cosmetic issues (eg., stains on the walls) to severe problems (eg., faulty electrical systems or plumbing), a home inspection enables you to make an informed buying or selling decision.

On the other hand, a home appraisal is used to determine the real market value of a home. The appraiser will factor in not only the condition of the home, but also its location and the value of similar homes that were recently sold in the same area. 

A home appraisal is required for almost all mortgage loans. Since the lender usually can’t lend more than 97% of the appraised value of the home, the final appraisal report can have a major effect on your ability to purchase a given property. 

Home appraisers typically look for the following:

  • Improvements or upgrades
  • Safety and health hazards
  • Noticeable defects
  • The condition of the property
  • Any conditions determined by the lender
  • Structural integrity

Which comes first home inspection or appraisal?

Home inspections and appraisals aren’t competing entities. While there is some overlap between these two types of property assessment, neither of them can serve as a substitute for the other. For this reason, it’s a good idea to use both when purchasing or selling a home.

The home inspection usually comes first. This is because you want to know if the property you’re thinking of buying or selling has serious problems before you take out any loans or otherwise proceed with the deal.

How long after inspection is the appraisal?

There are no hard rules on when a home inspection should take place relative to the appraisal. Unlike home appraisers, who are usually hired by the lender, home inspectors are privately hired by the buyer or seller. 

As such, exactly when your home inspection takes place will depend on your agreement with the home inspection company. As noted earlier, you generally want to get the home inspection done before you file for a loan to ensure that the property doesn’t have any severe issues that may have a significant impact on its value. 

Where can I find a reliable home inspecWhich comes first home inspection or appraisaltion company in San Diego?

It doesn’t matter if you’re buying or selling a small condo in the suburbs or a luxury villa in the Sunset Cliffs: you want to know everything there is to know about the property in question long before any money changes hands. 

Inspectors Company is here to help you with that. As the leading provider of home inspection services in San Diego, we boast the experience and the specialized equipment necessary to conduct world-class home inspections. Give us a call today.