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A Quick Breakdown of the Home Inspection Process

A-Quick-Breakdown-of-the-Home-Inspection-ProcessHaving reliable home inspectors by your side is essential. Suppose you’re buying a new property in Chula Vista, CA. The home inspectors can discover a number of flaws with the property, so you don’t make a costly mistake by purchasing a low-quality place or one that’s in need of extensive repairs.

Inspectors are also a major boon if you’re selling a residential property. By revealing various issues, they reduce the risk of legal trouble. But what exactly does the inspection process involve? We’ll give you a breakdown right here. Keep reading to learn about the basics of property evaluation in California.

Who attends a home inspection in California?

In most cases, the people who can attend a California home inspection are the seller, the buyer, and the inspector. However, this can easily change, depending on the buyer’s preferences. They may also want their real estate agent to show up at the evaluation, as well as their neighbors, friends, and family members who wish to give their opinion of the property in question.

The key takeaway is that the buyer determines who attends the process. Sometimes, real estate agents may persuade their clients to miss the inspection and act as their intermediaries. But this is rare, considering that it’s in the buyer’s best interest to be present.

How long is a home inspection in California?

A trained inspector takes their time to check a property from top to bottom. This way, they turn your attention to any problems with the house to help you avoid a lawsuit from the buyer. Be it a damaged foundation and unstable roof or bad neighbors that can make their life uncomfortable, revealing these flaws is critical.

The time it takes for an inspector to uncover these problems depends on several factors, but the main one is the size of the place. The larger the property, the longer the evaluation takes. For example, inspecting a small house usually takes 90-120 minutes, whereas a larger home may require well over 4 hours.

The reason is simple; inspectors are trained to examine every nook and cranny to reveal the tiniest flaws. That’s why their investigation involves a large number of areas:

  • Deck and patio (signs of termite infestation and other structural risks)
  • Roof (shingle blow-offs, holes, and flashing damage)
  • Chimney (crooked areas and gaps)
  • Gutters (incorrect drainage)
  • Foundation (leaks and settling)
  • Door (faulty operation and latch inadequacies)
  • Electrical system (malfunctions, not enough outlets, and short circuits)
  • Walls and ceilings (moisture)
  • Appliances (poor functioning)

Do sellers get a copy of home inspection?

Here’s the short answer: it depends on the buyer. Just like they dictate who attends the inspection, they also determine if the seller receives a copy of the report. According to state laws, the only person who must receive a copy is the buyer. Whether or not any other person has access to the findings is at the buyer’s discretion.

Who-attends-a-home-inspection-in-CaliforniaWhere in Chula Vista, CA, can I find the #1 home inspectors?

Knowing the ins and outs of the investigation process eliminates any concerns you may have had with house inspections. There are no more obstacles to hiring a reliable provider in Chula Vista, who can evaluate your property in-depth. That’s exactly what The Inspectors Company brings to the table; the finest home inspection services in Chula Vista and beyond.

Best of all, we’re available every day of the week. Whether you need a midweek or urgent inspection on a Sunday morning, we’re here for you. Just give us a call at (619)-304-3489 or go to our website, and leave the rest to us. We can’t wait to meet you!