Whether you are buying or selling a home, knowing whether the property has any issues that influence its market value is a key step in ensuring this type of transaction doesn’t cause you unpleasant surprises. There are multiple options for inspecting a home, all of which differ in approach, scope, and the specifics of what they’re examining.
To give you a clear idea of what you expect from different types of home inspections, we have prepared a brief explanation of what verbal home inspection services are and how they can help you make a home purchase in San Diego, CA that you won’t regret down the road. Read on.
What is the purpose of a home walk through? 
A verbal home inspection is a type of home inspection that can benefit both the buyer and the seller. It is a limited-scope type of home examination that does not include a written report. Nevertheless, it can still be immensely useful.
Here’s how you can benefit from it:
1. You get quick results
A verbal home inspection includes a walk-through visual assessment of the property’s major components, with the goal of identifying any problems and estimating repair costs. The client is present together with the inspector and is able to listen to feedback during the process.
This makes a verbal inspection the quickest possible way for the client to learn about any problems the property may have.
2. You get an on-the-spot verbal debrief
Being present during the walk-through allows the client to ask the inspector questions as they view the property. Knowing which questions to ask at the time of the inspection enables the client to get valuable insight into the property’s structural condition, helps assess the cost of future repairs, and helps them get a clearer idea of its true market value.
If you’re a buyer, you can use this professional guidance to make a more informed financial decision. If you are the seller and you don’t need a written report, this is a great way to have the most important parts of the property visually assessed and help you set your expectations in terms of planning repairs or negotiating with buyers.
3. It gives directions as to what to examine in more depth
A verbal home inspection doesn’t include examining the entire property in great detail, but rather focuses on the big picture. After the completion of a verbal walkthrough, and depending on what flaws and defects it has uncovered, you may choose to inspect some of the property’s elements more closely.
With this in mind, you can view the verbal inspection as an introductory part of a more comprehensive examination process.
4. It costs less
For those who are not interested in getting an extensive written report on the property, or for buyers who are considering multiple options, a verbal home inspection can be practical in more ways than one. Not only is it a time saver and a great way to familiarize themselves with the property, but it is also the most affordable option.
How can I hire the most reliable verbal home inspection services in San Diego, CA? 
If you are interested in placing your property in Clairemont on the market, or looking to buy one anywhere else in the vicinity of San Diego, getting a professional home inspection from a reputable firm like The Inspectors Company is never a bad idea.
We offer verbal home inspections, as well as a broad range of other home inspection services such as mold inspections, buyer-home inspections, pre-listing and commercial inspections, roofing, sewer line, septic tank examinations, thermal imaging inspections and more.
All of our inspectors are InterNACHI-certified professionals with vast experience. They’re more than ready to answer all of your questions and concerns. Schedule your appointment today!